Representative Programme FAQs


What are the Rep Programme’s Values?

At CBA, we use the following definitions for culture and values:

  • Values: What we SAY we believe
  • Standards: What we EXPECT ourselves to do
  • Beliefs: What we THINK we do
  • Behaviors: What we DO

The CBA’s Rep Programme Values are outlined below. Each team will have additional values within this framework.

The CBA Representative Programme Values – Great Teammates:

  • Have a team-first mentality
  • Are hard workers
  • Are strong listeners
  • Work well with others
  • Have a “Next Play Mentality”

All players must demonstrate behaviours reflecting these values to be selected for a team and will be held to these values throughout all programs.

What age group am I in?

All info is here.

Am I registered for trials?

You can check this by:

  • Go to
  • Fill in your username (email) and password
  • If you have family members on the same email address Select the member
  • Once in the desired member account, go to “History”

Once there, scroll down to the 2024 entries, and if you have one stating you are in the “CBA BBNZ Reps” Club, for the 2024 season as a player, you can be sure you are registered for the Canterbury Rep Team Trials


I cannot make trials; can I be considered for the team?

Yes, you can still be considered. Register for trials and fill out the trial absence form to ensure selectors are aware. Athletes who are injured should still attend trials to gain content knowledge and demonstrate commitment.

What is the process and selection criteria for CBA representative programmes?

Details can be found in the Trial Process and Selection Criteria.

I was not selected for a team, can I have feedback as to why?

While you can ask for feedback, please be realistic:

  • Trials often involve over 100 players so detailed feedback is extremely hard to give on every player,
  • Many young players either
    • Have a poor grasp on their level compared to their peers, or
    • Value attributes, for example 1v1 scoring, that our rep doesn’t (for more info see Trial Process and Selection Criteria)
  • The best way to receive quality feedback is to join your local club
  • If you still want feedback, please be prepared for this to be direct and honest and likely feedback you have not heard before.
  • Also, if you are a parent asking for feedback, please also refer to our Rep Parents page where we promote players to undertake self-advocacy.

I have a complaint:

  • Fill in this form and the programme director will be notified and review the complaint within 1 week
  • This form can be used to register a complaint about any aspect of the programme, from trials to tournament.

What Style of Play does CBA employ?

Details can be found here.

What are players required to wear?

  • At trials: Bring a light and dark reversible singlet or two separate light and dark tops.
  • At practices: All players must wear CBA long sleeve shooting tops and CBA reversibles.
  • At tournaments: CBA provides loaned uniforms. Players must have a grey CBA shooting shirt. The process for ordering this is provided upon acceptance into the program. Sizes are standard ADULT sizes.
  • All Hoodies, Shooting Tops and Reversibles can be purchase only b y players in CBA rep and mainlands programmes and only through the CBA Clothing Order Form.

We have registered for trials but have not had a confirmation email.

Check your spam and if not see question 1 on FAQ page. Please do not email CBA staff for confirmation.

I cannot make a practice; what should I do?

The representative program prioritises players for whom this is the number 1 commitment. All representative events take precedence over other sports practices and games. If you can’t attend practice for legitimate reasons of illness, tournament and other major event clashes, please follow these steps as soon as you are aware of a clash:

  1. Most importantly: Call your coach as soon as possible to explain why you need to miss a practice so they are prepared to plan practice without you.
  2. Fill in the practice absence form to notify CBA.
  3. DO NOT CONTACT THE CBA ADMIN STAFF, they are busy enough during the rep season and it’s not there job to inform coaches of practice absences. Go to your coaches directly.

I have accepted a place in my program but haven’t paid or been invoiced yet. What should I do?

Refer to the payment deadlines communicated in the program overview. If the date has passed, email accounts at

Is the Rep program run or associated with the Canterbury Rams/Pouakai?

No, the Canterbury Basketball Association is the Regional Sporting Organization (RSO) for basketball in Canterbury, focused on community basketball. The Canterbury Rams and Pouakai are private, professional entities with no influence on the rep program.

My question isn’t answered, who should I contact?