Here is the process for assigning referees to our club basketball weekend games in 2023
Kia Ora everyone,
Hope you are well. The 2023 season is fast approaching and with that means assigning referees for our weekend club games.
Below is the process that Richard and the team at Canterbury Basketball will look to implement over the upcoming season to assign referees to games. We have updated the process for basketball referees get assigned to games, to make it easier for club/schools to fulfill their obligations
We have moved some aspects of this process forward, to give clubs and schools more time to communicate with their referees and get more named referees assigned to games.
Updated Referee/Club Assignment Schedule For 2023 Weekend Basketball:
- Two-week cycle – the plan is for Richard to be asking availability for two weeks at a time from our corps of unaffiliated referees and to start filling in the draw from the Monday of each upcoming week
- Draw – James is on the way to organizing the draw as far in advance as possible, with the first of three blocks being organized up to King’s Birthday weekend. These always get published online HERE and sent to club and school contacts
- Thursday afternoon / Friday the Week Prior – the Google Doc form goes out with availability for both weeks and targeting mostly the unaffiliated base or the “normally assigned referees”. If clubs/schools want to fill extra gaps with club based referees beyond what has been arranged with Richard, they should contact him here ASAP. The Google Doc forms are then collaborated on Monday and worked into the draw
- It is also worth noting that with our major clubs, there are arrangements in place that will hopefully smooth out this process and enable more slots to be filled quicker

In the immediate week before the weekend in question, we continue with the schedule as follows:
- Monday afternoon – Information from clubs and schools has been received and work begins on the draw
- By Wednesday morning – referee draw gets sent out. We will compare number of assigned games per club to entered teams. Any further gaps will at this point be allocated to Clubs/Schools in accordance with the quota to be filled by club/school and noted a different colour on the draw. Clubs/Schools then notify Richard of their nominated referee to this appointment in the draw. It is also asked that once the draw is out, people can confirm their allotted games ASAP via email, text, private message or through their club contact.
- Thursday – a second version of the draw is posted, with confirmed slots noted and gaps highlighted. When people volunteer for other games, or a specific person is filling a gap for their school/club, will be added in too. Any new gaps get communicated to clubs/schools and will be asked to have a bench referee plus scorebench where applicable.
- Friday – last minute moves of referees and additions, completed before noon and final draw re-sent by then. Once this last draw is out, any last-minute changes are the responsibility of the named referee concerned (and their school/club), and they must notify the relevant Floor Controller and Richard of who they have organised to replace the unavailable referee with
- Weekend – basketball games take place.
- Referee Supervisors – these will also be assigned to venues where U15/U16 & U13 games are being played and will likely be in the draw that comes out by Wednesday
- Repeated Process – the process is repeated for each set of two weeks across the season with the exception made for the junior and senior finals weekends.
- Please note: If you are asked to do a game as a member of the scorebench (and are not already a “recognised referee” in our database), you will be classed as a bench referee and in that case, you will NOT be reimbursed for the game in 2023, as we are trying to encourage more appointed and/or trained referees
If you are a referee, and don’t already receive the Google Sheet link from Richard OR you are interested in becoming a referee, please contact him here.
Want to register as a referee? Follow this link to register before the season begins, so as we can add you to our database.
A big thank you to all our schools and clubs for helping provide referees, and also to those who already help with refereeing in a massive way. We look forward to seeing you across the club ball season.
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