Season Start –some Saturday grades start on the 27th (XCM B17A and above), with everything else, except for 13U grades, beginning the following weekend (May 4-5)
Emails – I am only emailing coach details that have been sent to me. Anything which was highlighted when sending to the club admin means I have no contact for that team to email directly (each school/club admin, please check all of your coaches/managers receive the info in this email)
Duty – a reminder that we are using:
“1+1+2 Duty” (for B15, G16, B17 and M20 grades). Each team playing in these grades needs to supply one person for duty on their own games. When a team (that is not playing) is assigned to duty in these grades, they will only need to supply two people for scorebench (noted with a “2”)
Four Person Duty is still the “normal” way duty is assigned for French Cup, Division One, M23, and Premier Competitions
Formats – for the grades starting on the 27th draft formats have been sent to all clubs