Wrapping Up the Weekly Draw Emails

This will be the last one of these weekly posts, as we have now officially wrapped up the CBA Winter Club Basketball Season!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts to help get basketball teams on the court and competing this season. We know it is not a small job to take on, but without people like all of you stepping up to help, we would not have anywhere near the amount of teams competing each week around the region.

End of Season Notes:

  • Major Award Winners – We publicly announced our 2024 Major Award Winners between the Premier League Finals on Saturday. If you weren’t at Cowles, you can see who was honoured on our website now
  • Finals Day – Photos are all visible on our facebook page, and originals can be downloaded here. We will be doing the recaps of these over the next period of time, and will post to our website as soon as they are done

  • Surveys – We have just out a very short survey to all players who registered to compete in a weekend grade this year (this will help us prioritise what to focus on from an operational standpoint over the next few years)

Please feel free to get in touch with james@canterbury.basketball if you have some ideas that you can’t adequately convey via the survey – and thank you once again for all of your work this season, we hope it has been rewarding for all of you


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