The draw for the first five rounds of the competitions has now been released
The published draw all the way up until August 4 can be seen here
There are some unknown match-ups that still need scheduling in rounds four and five (for some of the Thomson Division II teams), but the bulk of the draw is there for you all to see.
With our games now all expected to be played under Alert Level One conditions, there won’t be a requirement from us for schools to manage the number of spectators, or contact trace, with the Government’s NZ COVID Tracer app the preferred method for the genral public to keep a record of where they visit.
The Formats for each competition have had some slight changes, and are listed below:
Thomson Division I (12 Teams)
- Two even pools of six play five rounds to split into top six, and bottom six
- Pool A: Christ’s; Rangiora; Riccarton; Shirley; St. Bede’s; St. Thomas
- Pool B: Ashburton; Burnside; Cashmere; Christchurch Boys’; Middleton Grange; St. Andrew’s
- Five rounds in Top/Bottom pools to confirm qualifying teams for playoffs, with no competition points carrying over (Teams 1-4 in Top pool, teams 7 and 8 from bottom pool)
- QF games on 15 September: 3 vs 8 and 4 vs 7
- SF games on 17 September (Thursday) between QF winners and teams 1 and 2 (1 will play lowest seeded QF winner, 2 will play other QF winner)
- Grand Final on Tuesday 22 September

Whelan Division I (8 Teams)
- A full round robin before splitting teams into two even pools (ranks 1, 3, 6, 8 and 2, 4, 5, 7)
- Three week round robin within these new pools, with results from the previous matchups carrying over for the teams within each pool (but not results from teams in the other pool)
- SF games between first from one pool, against second from the opposing pool on 15 September
- Grand Final on Tuesday 22 September

Thomson Division II (13 Teams)
- Two pools made: one of six teams that plays a round robin; seven team pool plays within two “sub pools” of three and four teams for three rounds, before SF and F rounds are played
- Pool A: Ellesmere; Hagley; Hillmorton; Hornby; Lincoln; Rolleston
- Pool B(1): Cathedral; Kaiapoi; Papanui; Rangiora New Life
- Pool B(2): Linwood; Mairehau; Te Pā o Rākaihautū
- Top Three teams from each pool form Top Six, with remainder in Bottom Seven Pool. Top Six plays a full round robin. Bottom Seven plays with two “sub pools” of three and four teams for three rounds, before SF and F rounds are played. No competition points carrying over (Teams 1-4 in Top pool, teams 7 and 8 from bottom pool)
- QF games on 15 September: 3 vs 8 and 4 vs 7
- SF games (on Thursday 17 September) between QF winners and teams 1 and 2 (1 will play lowest seeded QF winner, 2 will play other QF winner)
- Grand Final on Monday 21 September

Whelan Division II (11 Teams)
- Full round robin
- Grand Final (teams 1 and 2) on Monday 21 September
BBNZ is still in discussions with SSNZ about the makeup of each national tournament, with information on this expected within the next few days.
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