To connect and develop coaches at the high school, club and rep level.
Term 4 Coaches Connection Forum will run 7pm to 845pm at Cashmere High School.
Targeted at Rep, Club and High School coaches Everyone from experienced rep coaches to the many parent and student coaches looking to up-skill are encouraged to attend. Register here!
The full programme outline can be found here.
Four successive Thursdays, 7pm to 845pm from October 19th.
Cashmere High School.
There is no cost at all for coaches to attend
The Term 4 CCF is predominantly focused on developing “Why, How and What” (in this order) of community coaching; and providing connection and support to coaches.
The forum will consist of a 30min coaches classroom session where we will collaboratively flesh out the “whys” and “hows” of community coaching.
Coaches will then move on-court where they will observe / assist in a demonstration practice showing a new “what” aspect of the CBA style of play each week, using the “how” techniques reviewed in class.
The sessions will have coach developers floating around coaches to ask and answer questions.